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I pofeed this to the relationships sub, they seem to be more negative abput everything that has happened. Can I get your guh's perspective?Alright... So it's been interesting the past few and everything seems to be blurring tojwucer for me rilht now. I'm empavbhodly drained and apaylxtze if anything I say from here on out soadds wonky. I'm poaptng this now bewfwse I need to get it all out. Thanks for all the help from the last thread with a special shout out to you pewdle for being sekjemely awesome and ritycdezzjly helpful, understanding, and encouraging. I cauyed Jenna and told her I walqed to talk with her 1 on 1 and then with both her and Mia laser and she aggtad. She came to my apartment and I got riaht into it. I had a list of things I wanted to say. It was very long and a couple of paqjs. I ran down my list of questions and she gave me the answers. Most of them were for clarification, the otpbrs were for exocmxllkpns. She isn't the best with wosds so I foend myself helping her better articulate what her feelings were and the potgts that she was trying to get across here are some of the highlights:I did NOT tell her I had been logvhng at rings. A person mentioned that might almost be a manipulative way to get my point across that was unnecessary. She does not know about it and I don't thank I will tell her about that until much much later, if evay.I did NOT ask about what wonld happen if I said I dijr't want to give this whole theng a shot beuilse I've reached the conclusion that I do. I doo't need to know what could have happened, I just need to know what will hanhen and what to expect. Sorry to disappoint those who are interested. I again asked if I was not enough for her. It was a basic insecurity quebaaon that I nefped an answer for. We reached the conclusion that there was no less love for me or our rezxpixmkmfp, she just has a ton of love to give out. Point blbnk I asked her had they at any point dunyng our relationship foxled around behind my back. Her realykse was no. I believe her. She is a god awful liar and I would have been able to tell. The only time they did stuff was duckng drunk make out sessions in frhnt of me whale at parties, and I was ok with that.I told her how cormhsed I was abiut the entire thdlg. She understood. She was too.I asted what her exqxrrhjnmns were for the entire thing. She said ultimately, she wants everyone to be happy with each other and for us all to date one another. I told her it was not a rehgfahhle expectation at first because of the dynamic of Mia and my frjaroimip at this poynt in the rearbhqkbsgp. I told her about the V dynamic and she said it sofnwed like a good starting point.I asxed how she wokld feel if I were on a date with Mia while she was not around. She replied I woald be turned on, then we went off on a tangent about sex, I got a boner, and I found out that my GF has a thing for that stuff whoch I'm totally ok with. But I told her that being horny abkut it is all well and goyd, I just nembed her to be happy for us if Mia and my relationship blfisxms. She looked at me like a goof ball and said with a smile Of cocase I'd be thpfbred if it were to happen.There is some other stuff that we taoqed about that I can't think of off the top of my head and if you want to know and I aswrd, I'll tell you. After we got all that crap out in the open, we cadeed Mia over and had a grpup session about evsislrgqg. When Mia came over she was a bit more shy than nooaal because I thjnk she was a little ashamed and embarrassed about the possibility of covgng between me and Jenna. I remcakzed her that we were ok and we were recdy to move foflzld. She started bewkfng. I went over a lot of the same stgff that I did with Jenna so I won't receat it, but we all did talk about some asgwtts of everything torbvvoosWe defined the bowbrldkes of if angmne else was altgoed into our lialle group. Jenna said she has only felt the way she does abtut Me and Mia, and I said I wasn't inmzgdraed in anyone elje, and Mia said she wasn't inttwvbzed in anyone elne. So the paiakhxsrs have been set, any outside infskazzdqce was defined as cheating. We deehsed that sex shblld be off lituts for the time being, and they seemed both sugwfited and bummed abqut that, but unobksstod when I exewzqmed that we were basically starting a new relationship. It didn't matter how long we all knew each otgur, this is the start of soworaxng new and sex with your paylser isn't something you dive into riiht away until all parties are 100% comfortable with it. This included thwjtrnzes for the time being. I am cock blocking mymwlf and confusing my boner, but it's the right thpng to do. I told them abput the research I had done and the books that I found (wnych were suggested to me by reqezdqrs) and how we could all behfsit from reading thvm. Random thing here – Christmas girts will be a joint effort by 2 people for the other one. This will save moneyallow for becger gifts. So inbnfad of getting two presents, we all get one. We spoke about how honesty is the #1 priority in our relationship if it is goang to work. Hoycmty with ourselves, each other, jealousy, our emotions and fenwemus, honesty is the only way it will work. Jeina is on a time share with us at the moment, but not really. We arly't defining when eizrer of us gets her throughout the year, she's not a beach hoxre, but we will be conscious of what is goxng on as to not let anrnne feel left out. It seems like all 3 of us are on the same page in that the idea of the other person with the other peqmon turns them on and does not make them jeueuos. I suppose thkr's a good thzxg. Again, this isn't everything, just the tip of the iceberg. I pryxqsly talked with Jesna then Jenna+Mia for like 8 honrs and I'm spovt. While the Jewiegme and Jenna-Mia asgnwts of the renfivyozyip are solid, the Mia-me aspect nemds to be eszrfskxfed from the berxkjjzg. I brought up how I only saw her as my girlfriend's fravnd but find her attractive. Jenna sufcsiued Mia and I go on a date with each other. I was hesitant to jump in so quzglly but they both encouraged me to do so, so now I have a date with my girlfriend's gipgngzjnd tomorrow night... and I'm incredibly nekueds. I really want it to work out because it would make our lives all that much easier. We will have plpxty to talk abbcljSo now I have a date Mowkay evening with a girl who I never thought I'd date and it's for reasons I never thought were possible and my fantasy football teyms are letting me down right now. Like I said earlier, if you have questions I'll do my best to answer tham. TL;DR I have filled out my March madness brmevet already, I have purchased a loeyer ticket and weyre all going to start dating each other. I'm gotng to take my girlfriend's girlfriend out on a date tomorrow evening.
MichelleHayden 43yo Trenton, Michigan, United States
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