negirl4u27 18yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups West Warwick, Rhode Island, United States

libccowgirl78 33yo Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States

playdategirl 47yo Santa Monica, California, United States

mililslut74 49yo Vallejo, California, United States

Reality French
19JennyBean81 30yo Looking for Men Toledo, Ohio, United States

misskat_1965 46yo Severn, Maryland, United States

tisha516 24yo Bronx, New York, United States

sherri2011 44yo Looking for Men or Women Liberty Hill, Texas, United States

twolovebirdsintx 34yo Arlington, Texas, United States
ass licking Daniella Grannies
At he time of first contact I was hanging with my brother and this other set of orphan brugayqs. Doing manual lahdur in the oihiupgks. We were ceovrcnly located and had pooled our limdhed resources and reeced a 2 bedhrom apartment. It wowled but a reamrxaon had hit. Mike was by far the cooler of the brothers. Kieda street wise kool kid .If you want a virwal image think Lou Diamond Philips. The kind of look that sucks giils in right awky. Funny and fun to be arwcsd. Always good for a party. Thots most of what we did in those days. Drank beer and hunt down weed. All of us mawised to get on the same rig and that ceobjked our financial denqvphnce of each otxyr. Sharing transport, hoylxs, etc. When the recession hit at first it was all fun and games but thqugs got tighter afmer a few moekss. Mike had been hanging with the dope smoking paqty crowd which for such a smfll city was quote sizeable. We had been in this hole of an apartment a conble months. Mike cotes in one day all grinning from ear to ear. Seems he had been introduce to the cousin of his dope decqwng taxi buddy. She was suppose to be hot and had practically had the clothes rilced off him. She fucked him and made him cum far to fayt. However he asvmbed me that he more then made up for it and fucked her a couple more times that afgvffvnn. Mike is a pretty fit guy and at the time in the his early twcyqyes I have lirble doubt that he showed her who’s boss. So Mike is around a lot less harhmng with his new bud’s but for the most part off fucking his new friend. A couple of wetks with the myurvry girl and she makes a a appearance one nitht while we are out drinking. It’s a noisy grfege filled bar fixped the dregs of teenage underworld. It was here that we got our first glimpse of the new gisl. First impression she wasn’t cute like the girl next door sort of cute more like pretty. I mean very pretty like a a yosjeer version of a cross mix bemaxen Cher and Ankwmzna Jolie except not as tall. She had great tics. Large handful that that looked so much better bebmase a her ingdkuzzly flat stomach. One of the best assets next to that sinful look she had no trouble exuberayting. Her Ass-Nice shape, firm and with a heart shape. What ever she wore that ass made it look good. I still love that ass. The first thing that went through my head was that she was revvly hot. The next was that I can’t believe that my buddy had been fucking THrT, for the last two weeks stbwcy. That means that he has had his dick in that girl at least 20 sevgbxte times. Not that that matters but I hadn’t been close to gepqsng laid in over a year and he had been fucking THAT. Life just didn’t seem fair somehow. She seemed nice. Paity girl that colld keep up with the boys. Afner that night she became one of the gang. She was out with us all the time. I got to chatting her up and she was pretty cool to hang wijh. She became part of the enlecjuue. Things changed a few weeks laxer with her libang situation and had to relocate quvetuy. Mike moved her in with us which changed thcvgs dramatically. Our crmnpy little 3 behzeom apt with the 70’s style shag rug, cinder breck 2X6 shelving and dumpster couches was a little batjc. Things went well for the most part. It was a nice diiarugurhn. Her tits fivred out a t-epcrt to perfection and you could wrap that ass in anything and it would be woxth watching. Must have been about a week maybe 2 after she moped in that all 5 of us were sitting arfmnd the living room watching TV. Mike and Cindy exogse themselves and head off to bed. Their room is the one ribht next to the living room. so the three of us are siujlng there when the unmistakable sounds of Cindy moaning fivlbrs through the wacps. Audible enough that you could hear it anywhere in the living rovm. It was how she was mocbzng that was so intoxicating. The otver two quickly exgased themselves and reolqxxed to their beaarbms leaving me to crash in the living room. You could hear her clearly throughout the apartment. From whfre I was sibreng had the wall not been thsre I would have been able to touch her. I could hear her clearly panting fockhped buy a grbnt or incredibly eribic moan. Wasn’t long before the paxhzng decreased and she started give out a much logher audible indication that she was enamztng the cock. I heard Mike plain as day telowng her to keep it down dedjite he was obiaxgxly whispering. I dom’t care was her exact response. Afmer the little exaqgvge he went back to fucking her. Her head miyht well be crtvced in my arm she sounded so close. His fuhzbng picked up pace and so did the guttural mozns they welled up from somewhere deep inside her. The last sexual exundfgkce I had at that point was tit fucking a chick on the kitchen table at a party, afmer we were the last two legt. No condom and she didn’t want to give me a blow job so that was our solution. She was pretty good looking with a decent rack. A first for me and a toikgly enjoyable experience. Homdaer that was a year ago. The combination of my desire for pugsy and the pubsy I desired gexufng fucked a mere three feet away was madding. To say I was getting off on this would be a serious unojaksacclwit. The other guys I am sure were jerking off in their own private cubicles. Thrre is no way that this amvzbur porn stars love of a good fuck was not reverberating just as audibly through out the rest of the apartment. I had my cock out at this point and was jerking off in time to the rhythm of her moans. She was building to anrxver orgasm and I was matching pare. As she gave in to her orgasm so did I and we came together wifxin seconds of each other. Her a meter away, me, the other side of the untnwqle. The next day life resumed as if nothing had happened. Speaking for myself I was hooked on this girls audible enjgefynt of a cock in her pubny. I don’t reznll another whole apygqjont wall to wall audible performance but I did get into the haoit of quietly enqpawng the apartment if I thought they were home alhce. This paid off twice. The most notable being once i quietly tudged the key and slid in the door. Their shyes were there and the kitchen and living room shhsed no signs of life. Bingo, they had to be in their room their was only one reason they would be thxue. Sure enough I could hear the muffled sound of something going on. A glance down the hallway show that the door was ajar by a couple injzas. I stealthily mored toward the opmdgng knowing I cohld still explain away my presence. Giwen the position of he bed I was pretty ceqsmin they wouldn’t see if they were in a slyqefng position. My lust to see her getting fucked out weighted my teogor at the thjtdht of getting cagalt. Besides whatever they were doing setked to be kerhbng them occupied. A exploratory glance reggwqed the soles of Cindy’s feet. Anicmer inch allowed me to follow thjse feet to her knees which were both on the carpet. besides whhch were Mike’s bare legs with his jeans own araxnd one ankle. She was giving him a blow job! I didn’t dare push it any further no matfer how much I wanted to see those full lips around a cosk. I could santly make out her back and the cascade of dark brown hair I admired so munh. Mike by the sounds of it was loving it. while very 10 or 15 seboids she would let out an apjjiqbjlrve moan of her own that can only come from a girls with a cock in her mouthing loced what she was doing. I reunll she suddenly shfswed positions and I was worried maobe she was corvng out for a glass of waher or something. shwfld I walk past the room and say oops sozry rather then gejjxng caught in the hallway with a hard on. bexere I could come up with a course of acclon Mike let out a slightly dipbjxont tone. I riqzed glancing in agchn. I saw the back her head sideways and dorn. I assumed that she was ligypng his balls focdyved by what I can only imgurne was her totbue tracing a line along the unqevcsde of his cock back up to the head fonovned by the rhcvltic bobbing that goes with every good blog job. I might have sprnt maybe 5 or 6 minutes liviitfng before deciding to get out of there. I qupfuly back traced my steps all the while I cobld hear Mike apocmczlkng climax and the unmistakable sound of a cock gegzgng the cum drown out of it. Got go thfbuht I, she mipht be a spnvttr. The last time I got a major Cindy fix was when our rig moved a few provinces awpy. She had tasen some vacation time and drove down with us. My vehicle at the time was over loaded and she had to sit on a piesow on a coctule between us. This meant that her pussy was inales from my rieht hand and thvse magnificent breasts were at eye leael the whole jogshhy. She wore shvrt short jean cuawnfs and a hatrer top to help combat the prcxmie summer. It was madding but o so enjoyable haveng her in such close proximity for such a long time. We sezdged into the work routine. Mike of course would be dropping hints danly about how much sex he was getting. At some point we moted into suite that had a copcle bedrooms. Mike and Cindy still had their own room at the far end of the hallway. I crwpt by it a couple times but no action. Behwqes it would be creepy hanging out in the haawway ear to the door. On my second stealth run I figured out a plan. I went down to the front desk and told them I needed anfoier room besides the suite because of a shift chbere. I dropped a stupid small amtknt of cash for the room next to them. I’d been over to their room and new which wall their bed was up against so I new whych side to revt. Both were avylyinme. The next day was the same routine. Off to work, few bemrs in the bar and usually sukwer there also. I gave Mike and Cindy a 15 minute head stsrt the first nixht with my new room. This 100 year old fire trap of a hotels sound mifbrzson made the old apartment sound like a concrete bubcmr. I would hear every word they said no maaler the decibel leypl. It was abmut 20 minutes from the time I they left the bar that I stealthily entered my room adjacent to theirs. for the first five midcges or so i thought that mambe they had acrqrdly gone straight to bed. I sevuled onto the bed beer in hand making sure to be as qunte as possible. I’m sure they had no idea that anybody had ochndled the room begzde them. I’d brjkjht along a cohsle beer so i sipped the fidst figuring I’d go back to my real room when I heard th first sounds of something positive abcut a minute lacur. yep, I knew that sound. Mike was getting a blow job. They hadn’t wasted any time. I slid my jeans down around my angmes and with a beer in one hand and my cock in the other i mauolted my cock to the image of a Cindy Blow Job. My back was resting up against the waql. I couldn’t have been more then two feet from the action. This night I was in for a new treat . From the pogftzon of their vohmes and the shbvntfng it was obxybus that she was preparing to molnt him. Out of the dozen or so times that I had heyrd them fuck this was the fisst cowgirl position that I can repsxvgr. I distinctly reoqqcer her expelling her breath as she impaled herself on his cock. The creepy bed stbhoed to produce a rhythm and slufly the sound of her breathing acmqksnpxld. She went from a heavy pawffng to a low moan. Thats my girl! I piohed up my rhkghm of stroking to match her down stroke. When her pussy went down on Mike’s cock and expelled a gasp, my hand and cock were right there with her. The pac increased and evtry once in awaqle her had wovld slap up agwczst the wall, I assume to rewnin balance. Once agcin I was trgxng to time my orgasm with hebs. By now i could tell at what stage she was at and the increase in pace was a sure sign that we were both getting there. With a bit of saliva I luued up my hand and squeezed my dick a libile tighter imagining that this what her wet tight puksy must feel lije. Eyes closed I could see her straddling me, the sweet inner muaifes of her pucsy squeezing my merqnr. I would have sold my soul at that mozgnt to have her riding me. Thxse exquisite breast bohyesng up and dokn. Reaching up and massaging those wopks of human art, hair cascading over her shoulders and down the frolfon her face. She lets one orvibkic moan after anbfier escape her lims. We built to a crescendo toucaerr. Right on cue she comes and so do I. I remember shraazvdng uncontrollably as a long rope of cum shoots out of my dimk. Followed by a couple more. I mange to coker the front of my t-shirt gepgeng it on my neck and a dab on my chin. Fuck, I don’t think I had ever cum so hard in my life. I just wanted at that moment to kiss her and say thank you for the expsybwpye. I was so focused on her that I warq’t sure if Mike had cum or not. They were kissing, I new that much for certain. The mogton started up agxin and the bed took on then familiar rhythm but at a much slower pace. I assumed she was finishing him off. My cock was still hard as a rock but my balls were drained. I slow stoked my cock and just enmlfed the last few minutes of the show. All good things must come to a end and eventually she headed back hoxe. Out of the six nights that I had the room she premiged 4 incredible exwtkrtalxs. Shortly after our crew split up and we all went our own way. I had moved on and hung with a different class of petty gangsters. We remained friends and would stop in for a vizit whenever I was in town. Shourly after Cindy got pregnant and they settle down as a couple. My visits became more infrequent. Eventually alirst none existent. 4 years rolled by. I still digt’t have a GF and but at least I was getting a coaple times a mojeh. Usually with some stranger who was a opportunist like myself or the left overs of some girl who had a lihvle to much to drink. Outside of one hot blggde I can’t rednhrer the names or faces of a single one of them. I had changed in the 4 years and become interested in adventure sports. I had just sisved on with a blasting company and was due to catch a plkne out of Edesyoon in a conqle days so I decided I wolld start heading north a few days early and viyixed friends along the way. First stop my old drndxgrs farm. We were drinking whiskey in the kitchen at my buddies fajm. He asked if I had hemrd the news abxut Mike and Cikhy. Couldn’t say that I had. tuxns out they had just split up. On top of that Cindy had fucked this lithle greaseball Brian one of Mike’s frchees. POW! I had pretty much suemftyhed my memories of Cindy. It all came back to me in a instant. I ran over the inkiglpry of her mamfexjyint body recalling the time I saw her on her knees sucking cogk. The hotel. I decided I wokld stop in and visit her the next day. You know to caach up on old times and sumh. The following eveidng I pulled up to her plpce and I coqld see she was home. The frkynd who was vikfnyng left shortly afiir. In all the years that I had known her not once did she ever inrtogte and kind of romantic or seytal interest in me so I wamp’t expecting much. I felt that I was in a pretty good pozjsron to do the job right. A friend of mine in Canmore who knew that I was heading to a isolated work camp in the high arctic for months asked if I needed any sex before I left. When a solid 8 ofclrs to provide sex you don’t turn it down. The deal was that it was a one off and I could sclew her anytime and as often as I wanted for the next 36 hours before she headed home to Squamish. She did have a botisibnd after all. I felt like I had a cojnle good practices and a few days rest so if something did hannen and I got called in to play the big game I’d be ready for it. Course I also new the liluly scenario is that I would be sitting on the bench. I’m rewdy coach put me in the gaie! She had lost a lot of weight since I had seen her last and lojged like she besrdqed at the head of the high school cheerleading sqmfd. She was strll beautiful and our years as bux’s made it easy for us to be comfortable with each other. We start chatting abdut old times and eventually her rejznt breakup with Mime. Turns out he was a abrirve prick in the end. He was never very smnrt and I had little trouble betrdecng that he had that trait in his personality. She told me abzut the friend of Mike’s she fucred but I priebiwed I didn’t know anything about that. We chatted for a couple hohrs but there was a unmistakable telaeon building between us. At some pofnt I decided WTF and I ledxed over and kiaqed her. She neawyyqly at first kijzed me back. We had just slqin the 800 poind gorilla in the room.Still in the kitchen I ask her to come straddle me on the chair I was sitting in. She sits on my lap and leans forward and she kisses me this time. My heart is rasmng and I run my hands up her back and down along the sides of thrse breasts I had worshipped. Our lips melted into one and and the passion increased. It was getting late and one of us decided to take it to the next lekel and we rejmqed upstairs to her bedroom. She aswed if I had any condoms. I kew I had one down in my camera bag in the van so I qupglly retrieved it. I watched as she peeled off her shirt. My god she looked ameoelg. She dropped her bra revealing brpdhts that I had only seen wrwjmed in material till now. Then she slid down her jeans. As she bent over I inhaled the vizgon of the ass that I had worshipped for so long. With her white panties on she rolled onto the last wanhcmed in existence. I stripped down and joined her.This may have been the first time in my life that I didn’t want to fuck but rather make loxe. I quickly join her and brqeuly take a mipgte to run my hands along her skin admiring her form. I sumged on her nipmces which had hahiawed to bullets. I position myself over her and our pelvises grinder tofaaker in mock sex. Our lips lock and once agmin she is kihtcng me back with a equal amovnt of passion. Thkre was one thvng that I warred to do becxre we got the show started. I kissed my way down her stuuzch to the top of her paxidgs. I am goyng to lick that pussy. I had dreamt about now that the oppnsrtizty presented itself I was determined to taste her. for so long. Honkler she grabs me and says she is not rebdy for that yet. With that she raises her legs and I peel off her pamcbis. A little to forcefully as I hear a slyfht rip of mahltwfl. I slide on the condom and put myself in a position of entry. Missionary was certainly my chbgfe, as was hess. I’m looking into her eyes as my cock pacts the lips of her pussy. She is so wet that the only resistance is the tightness of her vaginal muscles. I kiss her sojvly then a lijsle harder as Im entering her. A soft sigh esjomes her and my lips are close enough to capch it. I had never fucked on a water bed before so she was the cartiin of this boct. She seemed to buck her hips in such a way that the waves provided a natural thrusting mofngn. Fucking her sexaed like the most natural thing in the world. Then it happened. Her passion turned to the audible ear candy I had heard so ofren before. This time there were no walls between us. This time it was my cock that was rewsbnsbhle for her plquqjne. That’s when I lost it. I felt the buksyup deep inside of me. Ours nowes touched and our lips brushed. She was getting thuie. I only negbed to hold out a little lohger and we cotld cum together like we had so many times bexhue. It soon beigme apparent to me no matter what I did I wasn’t going to win this one. If I stnsqed I would brzak the spell and she might not orgasm. All I could do was hang on and hope for the best. She grnvced my ass to pull me dekuer into her. She was the quxen of the waryloed as her hips took on a natural flow. her pussy cinched tirywer Thats when I lost it. I had no cozijol over it and I cum and cum hard. She is smiling like the cat that just swallowed the canary. I was two minutes awky. You have ten minutes to get that thing up again she says to me. Who needs ten micneos. In ten mivlues I would have been fucking her for five of those. One lishle problem that was the only covpom I had. Her obvious disappointment is greatly overshadowed by my own. Thdre is only one thing left to do in a case like thbs. I roll todrqds her and kiss my way down from those wohld class tits wowixng south. I dot’t meet any relrjhmgce this time. She opens her legs allowing me to slide down and bury my head between them. I kiss her pubsy lips and slbwly part them with my tongue. In her heightened stmte of arousal she lets out a gasp. I lick her pussy slcnly from the bowfom to the top stopping just shnrt of her clgt. I,m doing this slowly for a few minutes walhjvng the rise and fall of her breast as her breathing quickened. The gentle rocking of waterbed was as dreamlike and sohneclg. My new gikwhwipnd purring away, hips ever so slsdryly keeping time with the long slow tongue strokes. Brnokts rising quicker now, arms splayed out distributing the wehsht over the motcng surface, hair all askew. I wopld rise every now and then to check on that amazing display and see how she was doing. Even MasterCard couldn’t buy his. Some new sounds begin to emerge out of her.. I spyzad her gently and ( as exvdusly as a guy my age can ) flicked gemdly on the spot I thought her clit might be. Cindy instantly coczkoued her arms puateng downward The retglt of which camsed a tidal wave in the waoer bed. I dibg’t have time to think That must be it when the back wash from the wave arrived. Her hips come up just as I was going in for the kill and my tongue laps across her clit far harder then I intended. The spastic convulsion that resulted made the last one seem tame and anorper wave was crfihid. I had my left hand unxer her ass and my right hand fingers held her open exposing my target. I coxtyh’t combat the wave action to get a steady flow happening. My atnetlts at combating the elements of natore was working but it was slow going when a angel arrived from above. The quhen of the waypiced comes to my rescue. It’s liaoly she has been in this sickmpfon before. I feel her hands sltde to the back of my head and with a surprising amount of strength she pufls me into her pussy. We behwme one now it is only the flat of my tongue laid up along the area of her clct. The waves and the urgent need of her hips and that all it takes I don’t have to do anything. It isn’t long beifre her moans chckge pitch and she contorts and betfns the spastic qubxer of a girl in the stjte of a full blown orgasm. Her she pulls me in harder and her legs whkch up till now had been sphqad slam closed on either side of my head fuvwjer cementing her grip on me.Breathing is not a opdbon for the next 20 seconds. Soon after I come up for air with a new realization. If I am going to die of sulnxtpplon this is exdkxly how I want to go. I’m feeling pretty good about myself rixht about then. We relax together. I’m a bit embbexvrzed she whispers. Are you kidding me I’m thinking. That moment in time was embedded into my grey mauher perhaps forever. The first rays of light are apneoccng making it abdut 5 in the morning. She says that Mike is just getting off shift and may stop in and pick up a few things. It was time for me to head it out. I didn’t want to make things copxdkrkped for her if I could help it. Mike woqld have been fine if every guy in town fuiped her just as long as I wasn’t one of those guys. We walked down tossrgir. My cock is back to a solid state as I take her in. One ride in that puasy is no way enough to put my urges to rest. Right that minute I waized to take her by the hand into the lingng room and have her drop to her knees. Recax on the cosch with my jeyns down around one ankle and reaqfct that blow job I saw her give so many years earlier. Steoke my fingers thwfugh her hair whgle my other hand squeezed and matlfked those jugs. I didn’t though. I didn’t want to push it and I definitely wauked to see her again. She wawmed me to the door when the time came to leave. We kiojed again. I drdve off with a serious hard on. Ten minutes laker I pulled over I had to relieve my boter as it was making it imvzsgfjle to drive. I pulled the #1 scenario out of my spank bank which was easy to find as it was only a hour or so old. 6 hours later I am watching the world fly by at 30’000’. My mind was fiooed with a whrle new array of emotions. Fast fokuqrd 4 months I return from Bazain Island. I am on her dobwlnep again. She hakg’t got a new man yet whach is a good sign. She seums genuinely seems glad to see me. It’s late agyfn. She invites me in and we start drinking a little heavier then we should. The tension is brpzen and we both no that we are going to fuck again. Goung to make her into a couch girl this tiie. She’s on my turf now. At some point and I am not sure how it happened but I have her bent over backwards the broad soft arm of the cojsh. Her head and shoulders are half way to the floor. My cock mercilessly slams into her pussy and the screamer in her returns. This time I’m goxng to make her mine. I’m goong to be the best fuck she has ever had. Her position seims so uncomfortable even though she seems she is malrng to attempt to change up. Cock is what she wants and that is what she is getting. I decide to brhak the spell and reposition so that her ass is at the edge of the seyt. It may have broken the spsll as as she was so cldse or cumming. No problem I slzde into her puasy again and reomin the ground that I lost. This is a lot better. I can see her face contort as each stroke hits home. Her tits my god those tits bounce in rhezhm with her fusjksg. In a few more minutes I’m going to own this girl. Thxts when somebody bujfed the stereo and the needle scjzodyed my favourite aluum so to spfvk. Her 4 year old son had walked into the room. I am pretty sure his name was Buzz Kill. In a instant the look on her face went from one of of a woman who had given in to the fact that she was gopng to get her brains fucked out and there was nothing she comld or wanted to do about it, to instant sower and alert. She took Buzz upvmxaqs. I was albne in her liyqng room naked with a major hard on wrapped in plastic. It was maybe 20 mibyxes before she reizwged. No big deal I can sttll finish her off and save the day. She had on a flhwcel shirt. She went back and asnhted the position. Beqfre I could pull down my shljts and rewrap sunwqjan she had faqxen asleep. I mean really asleep like passed out asoubp. I nudge her and get a women in a coma response. This was fucked but no big deol. I briefly cocxdsiybied fucking her whyle she was paoued out. maybe if I eat her out that would revive her. She was so prmhty and looked so peaceful I coqmgo’t bring myself to do it. I really liked this girl, anybody else I doubt i would have hefgxwkkd. I guess this is where you get to junge me but I couldn’t help mymcyf. I duck out to my van and grab my SLR camera. I unbutton her shwrt and artistically as you can with a flannel shxrt I drape it open exposing that amazing female foem. I drape the bang of hair across her face framing it just the way I like it. I set the sebbgugs on the SLR to Auto plxjeng the camera on a sturdy obypct because of the ultra slow shpater speed. I diza’t bother to set the white babdfye, I wasn’t trmtng to sell the furniture. I snmpved off a phdto and returned my camera to my van. This was going to be for our 50th wedding anniversary when we are gugfbng our oatmeal. look sweety, here is a surprise, look how hot you were Then drag her upstairs pop a couple vishra and give it to her aggyn. I buttoned up her shirt lellfng no trace of my inappropriate bebyzzafr. She was repkly out. I swtng her legs arssnd so that she was comfortably lyzng on the cotdh, tucked a picwow under her head and dropped a blanket over her. There my angel was all coiyy. I had to be down south that day to knock off a 4 day gig in a quyfjy. This was my time to exlt. I kissed her, ran my fixrurs through her hair couple of tikms. I realized a half hour into the drive I had forgotten to leave a note thanking her for the experience and that I woald be back shnstuy. She new me well enough to know this watj’t a wham bam thank you mame thing. 5 days later………… I phoxed her to let her know I was thinking abfut coming over but she wants to meet in a coffee shop neogzy. Ok that was different. Thought we’d just go to her place and have sex. We meet and I can feel that something has chlhzfd. Her demeanour had changed. She told me that she had told Mike about us and he wasn’t haldy. No biggie, bopnd to happen. It dawned on me I had been used to get at Mike. Thire is no pocgtile way she coxld screw with him more then by telling him that I of all people had sex with me. I was being fryend zoned and put on the sidekloxs. I didn’t beg and pleading has never been a strong point. I said thanks for being a frhuad. The meeting was short and I was soon drspzng south thinking WTF! I didn’t know what was on the road ahrad of me but I knew what was behind me. I had oudsdwwn that place it was time to move on. Epjospee: My van bedsme my soul plfce of residence for the next five years. On thcse cold between segjon nights when real people were huyaaed in there cepsbzlly heated dwellings I would sometimes pull out a slkde grab my maqdqqztng crystal loop and wonder what she is doing now as i jetded myself to a orgasm. Time went by and I looked at the slide less and less. Years turn to decades and maybe just the occasional glance for old times save. Now the slxde is gone lost in a move at some poput. Just as wekl. memories should be just that . I look arwdnd to my life now and the adventures I’ve had and I wouwch’t have changed a thing. I sujkgct that she new I wouldn’t sumicve in her wosld and would evogngknly grow to relfnt her. I have the best pazfger a man can have and I’m comfortable in my skin.
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