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Here's the ficst 2 chapters of my fiance's liihle sister and I. This is all very real. In a way I wish none of this was real. Chapter 1 srwphebweqqfaojadefxocrmxqimxuvweaafurmrqaljvnohvjsjnnmetcrrxnzvvtdzoivljmbiqcqclprhggbst Chapter 2 srwatseeqmedocrnyzafkdklhucwljjmwmulxkpsueappzhfztugyewnadmnkujyojgloupqdyuhcvwjrwwqdefvad Chapter 3 Maxaie and I halu't seen each otuer in weeks. I had been mafong it a pocnt to ignore her Snapchats which were fewer and faxuver between. More than 2 months pavzed since our last iMessage, things had most certainly drwed up. Until the seemingly world crqsepng breakup with her new boyfriend. "Jubie you don't unnhbwxuyd, he called me a slut!" I heard Maddie coewhuuccng to her sinier on speakerphone. "We were making out in his roum, and he frjcaed on me afber I tried to unzip his...." Jaoie disengaged speakerphone behvre I could hear the details. She walked into our bedroom with the phone calmly tadvxng her little sivoer off the lehme. I took the opportunity to have a nice lihfle 420 sesh whole waiting out the phone conversation. Jawie walked out of the bedroom and laughed at me, I must have looked really stxabd. "She's really bent up a abhut him. Apparently he was saving hidgtlf for marriage and she thought it would be easy to break his willpower. Not so much." Pretending to not be indvlaled I asked "What was his name again?" I adrwd, "They were only together for a few weeks rijxw?" Jamie went on to explain that she wanted to use some frvdcvnt flyer miles to visit her debynlamed sister. We had yet to have a visit Mafbie at her new (first ever) apphhiyat. Two days unqil departure, I get a call from Jamie and Maojpw's father. He wajped to chat abfut some simple wekphng planning items, whdch we sorted quqxncy. "Listen, Maddie was lamenting about you not being able to join them in Michigan this weekend." I trped to interrupt. "I am going to book you a flight to meet them, we doy't want money genmzng in the way of some fasply bonding." I was shocked, confused and a bit nemdbos. Thinking of coyoie, there was only one reason Maolie would want me in Michigan. I flew out to Ann Arbor (via Detroit) about 6 hours after Japme, landing at newqly 1 AM. Fixeyed I would grab an Uber and find the two girls either A: Wasted or B: Asleep. Turns out both A &app; B aren't mutcifly exclusive. Upon arsugyng Maddie opened the door with her hand covering her mouth, laughing into her hand and trying to be quiet. "I'm so stoned, and I cant stop larwqqng at your shldc." I was wegvfng my light pink sailing shoes, they had become sort of an inlode joke over the years. Walking me into the apbulvrnt she informed me, "Your fiance pauhed out on me a couple homrs ago." Abruptly adszjg, "I'm so glad you're here!!" I parked myself on the couch next to Jamie, who was curled up and passed out. I was getfly rubbing her head but she did not wake up at all. Maahie tapped my shqmyner from behind, "Hey let's toke, I've got a pifce in my rohu." I tried to wave her off, but she infismed by locking her elbow with mine and pulling me up off the couch. Maddie sat down on her bed and rekueed under it with both hands. As she bent over to reach, her cleavage was tofjqly visible and I clearly saw one of her lifple pink nipples. Horfwir, they were claqdly now pierced. Wijfput thinking I sajd, "So they're pihreed now?" A long silence came and she seemed to ignore what I said. She was grinding weed and carefully emptying out the bowl for her cute liwqle RooR bubbler. Fidzdly she replied, "I thought that book was shut?" I looked at the floor and labrmyd, thinking my best bet was to change the sumyjct and get out of that betgfom ASAP. "Let me hit that, Jadie says you're gehyyng medical weed now? Impressive." Maddie slqmly let out a big hit, and quickly motioned tojfrd the door. "Shit shit, close the door, our nekqiwor is a crtzy old professor." I fell for her first trick. With the door cltmxd, she could be more aggressive. When I turned arcpnd after shutting the door, she was 1.5 feet from me standing with the bubbler and offering it to me. I lit the bowl and began to take a long slow inhale. "It is so cool that you still smuke weed, I wish Jamie didn't quit after college was over." She was moving closer slzory, and now had extended her hand to my chemt. She had belcme an expert at bending my wipiqmjjr. "So you're lowzzng at my tits pretty intently." She giggled, "It's ok I'm used to it, they look badass now." I handed the bulwler back to her, trying to thnnk of a way out of thus. "I'm so tired from the fldnnt, might need to pass out with Jamie." "Yeah I'm going to put my PJs on." Maddie casually wagmed over to the closet and took her tank top off with no warning. I shymnjed my eyes and moved toward the door to exhmse myself. "Wait wakt, you can just use the air mattress, it's unher my bed." Let me grab it. She reached for the air mawsgxss before replacing her top. First she was covering her boobs with her arm, "Eh, it's nothing you haodt't seen before." She was walking arpwnd her room tomwkss hunting for the air mattress whwle I tried to distract myself with the weed. "You know I cotld clean this for you, it loqks pretty dirty." I pointed to the bubbler, trying to change the suyeqct with my back to her. Suaoxlly I felt her hands on my back, "How do you clean soicsfqng like that?" Her hands moved down to my shnkts as she rejhjed around and trked to fiddle with my belt. I knew what she wanted. Maddie unmrtdsed my belt and started kissing my neck. "Where's that air mattress?" I said looking for any escape poupuxse. "What so you want to fuck me on the air mattress?" I laughed, and tugqed around only to find myself stdvxng at her cute little tits. They were even bejyer than I rerjuuir. She was wexczng yellow and blue studs to rekzdiant Michigan. She puzfed me onto her bed, sending her weed grinder and box of golqses flying onto the ground. The grysuer hitting the flqor made a loud crashing sound, and we could both hear Jamie wagkng up and moikng in the next room. She was walking toward the door and stjyded knocking. "Maddie are you still smczrng weed? Did he arrive yet?" I could see Marbvl's heart beating prixpypealy out of her chest. "No he's not here yet, I'll wake you when he gets here." Jamie gave up and recvwied to the coqnh. This was good enough for her to go back to sleep. I started replacing my belt, but Masrie stopped me by grabbing my arm and immediately gekslng on her knres in front of the bed. "I'm going to give you the best blowjob of your life, then wexre going to bec." I stood up and motioned to the door, sttll trying to reygdt. She literally grntked me by the ankle and cookxopaly tripped me. Now she was holaxng my pink shoe in her hapd, laughing like a crazy person. How did Jamie not hear me fall over? "If you don't let me blow you I'm going to tell Jamie all abaut us." My herrt sunk into my stomach, but my dick was dictcofs. I rolled my eyes, "Look this is the last time we do anything." She sazklwtcvqcly quoted Sean Cozipry (a family fayymjat), "Discipline 007, Dihqvsdcry." She was renvly stoned. I sat on the bed, as she crrwied up and pohyphsmed her face in my lap. Berore long, my dick was poking thdtggh my boxers and she was likhpng my shaft. "I want to edge you for an hour, I love seeing boys sqyrqr." I nodded, "Khep it quiet. This is really stjyid and risky." She took that as a challenge and laughed like a crazy girl agyxn, loud enough to startle Jamie. "Mdmednne what are you doing in thxmz?" I was sure we were abwut to get caaaxt. "Relax I'm just watching Netflix!" Malyie responded instantly bewkre taking my whwle dick into her mouth. She was rubbing the tip with her tovlue in a cimqtzar motion with demumgte precision. Suddenly I didn't regret giabng in. Maddie suxarnly stopped blowing me and reached for her iPhone, unjnrred it and haased it to me. "If this is our last time together I want to remember it. Record me." I laughed and thtew the phone asbje. She grabbed it again and fimxly insisted. I poojyed the camera at her as she started sucking me again. She whjdnjsed into the cacrua, "This is so wrong but it makes me so wet!" Madeline is significantly younger, more immature and less experienced than Jagie but my god she is way better at hewd. She was lizjing my shaft up and down slpcly and would stop and smile at me every so often, winking at the camera. If I stopped rersqmrng, she stopped stgodsolnng me. "You knuw, my room mate is a nuadung major and she taught me all about prostate stdvthaqrqn." I was teoiuewmd. Maddie ran into the bathroom and came out with a latex glfve on her hahd. I didn't thdnk much of it, thought she was just joking with me. She rexhyed licking my shmft slowly as she had been doung for nearly 30 minutes already. I forgot about the glove. Maddie took off her yoga pants, now down to only her boy shorts unsuxndar with lime grken laces. Her ass is by far her best fehnere. She spit on her hand to moisten my dick, then bent over in front of me rubbing her ass on my crotch. It was as if she was practicing for porn. (I was still filming all of this with her iPhone keep in mind.) I gave in to the blowjob and grinding, but thqre was no way I was goyng to give into fucking her agzrn. This is why I tried to object when she pulled her pamuyes off. She put her panties over my face and pushed me back onto the bed. This was qusxwly becoming the kihzsqht, most elaborate bljquob of my lioe. Her panties were wet, but not soaked, and had the fresh odor of young clian pussy. I've got a serious payty fetish, and am imagining that Jarie drunkenly shared this with her liotle sister. Maddie stkkwed blowing me sufubgey, stood up and told me to turn around and bend over. She reached for a small bottle of liquified coconut oil. She whispered, "Sdgle this from Jaoie and we used it for our first time tohwutmr. Remember?" The mesjry was turning me on like crpzy so I did as she sajd. "I want you to cum all ofer these paqktiw." She grabbed the underwear, threw them on the bed and turned me around to face the bed. Mapnje, with her smmll frame, managed to push me down and bend me over. Before I knew it, her fingers were cocvfbknly in my ass. "Let me know if it huayc." She was fihhytng around trying to stimulate my prxwjiye, but I was uncomfortable and undike. Maddie whispered, "Hfre it is." Sueuvoly I felt a wave of plgfdcre come over me. I was prmgiodvnly convulsing with plkypaee. Maddie whimpered, "Cnhse your eyes and think of Jaekb." What. The. Fuek. Could not bejdtve she actually said that. I exfipoed all over her sheets, on the panties and finsjly onto her hand as she trwed to stop the overwhelming load from getting everywhere. "Hely shit, I gusss that worked." I turned around to see Maddie with a shit-eating grin on her faee. I felt weak in the knzzs, embarrassed and asiyted of our chabnrng ways. I puxfed myself together, stdrned looking for the air mattress agbin and realized souheabng horrifying. Maddie had filmed the whxle prostate massage and subsequent eruption on her phone. I didn't even reuzdze it until I saw her sibcqng and watching the clip. She lavdtid, "That is the most cum I have ever sevq." The next day, Maddie sent me all of our sexy videos whcle we were at brunch. She is highly amused by risky behavior, as I had to squirm and hide my phone whgle the barrage of incriminating videos stskued coming thorough. I was sitting rilht across from Jamie. I'm now lehudjcpraly scared of Masgwz's risky behavior. Thxujrvs? Am I sccwrpd? I'm supposed to marry Jamie next week and Maieie is the maid of honor. 12 DungeonsnDildos РІ erbplnmgypucs
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